The much-awaited third installment of the Kingdom series, Kingdom 3 2023, is an upcoming historical action film directed by renowned filmmaker Shinsuke Sato. Set in the tumultuous Sengoku period of Japan, the movie will continue the thrilling adventures of the protagonist, Li Xin, played by Kento Yamazaki.Kingdom 3 2023 is a sequel to the highly successful Kingdom films, Kingdom (2019) and Kingdom: The Sequel (2020).
The first two films were based on the popular manga series of the same name, written by Yu Yagi and illustrated by Hikaru Nakamura. The manga, which has been serialized since 2006, is known for its captivating storyline, action-packed sequences, and intriguing characters.
The movie’s plot revolves around Li Xin, a young orphan raised by wolves, who discovers his unique ability to communicate with the undead. As a result, he joins the war-torn kingdom and becomes a vital asset to the forces fighting against supernatural threats.
In Kingdom 3 2023, Li Xin faces new challenges and enemies, as he continues his journey to protect the kingdom and uncover the mysteries of his past.Kingdom 3 2023 boasts a star-studded cast, including Kento Yamazaki, Kanna Hashimoto, Shunsuke Daitō, and Masaaki Suzuki. The film promises to deliver a visual feast with its stunning action sequences, breathtaking cinematography, and engaging storytelling. The film’s production values and attention to historical accuracy have been praised in the previous films, and it is expected that Kingdom 3 2023 will continue to raise the bar in the genre.