Review of “X-Men ‘97” Animated Series:
The “X-Men ‘97” animated series serves as a continuation of the beloved “X-Men: The Animated Series,” bringing back iconic characters and storylines from the original show. The revival maintains the essence of the classic series while introducing new plotlines and character developments. With returning voice actors, including Cal Dodd as Wolverine and Alison Sealy-Smith as Storm, the show retains its nostalgic charm while exploring fresh narratives.
One significant departure in “X-Men ‘97” is the absence of Professor Xavier, with Cyclops reluctantly taking on a leadership role in his place. The series delves into themes of mutant identity, societal acceptance, and the complexities of coexistence between mutants and humans. The introduction of Magneto as Xavier’s chosen successor adds a compelling twist to the dynamics within the X-Men team.
The animation style remains faithful to the original two-dimensional format, capturing the retro aesthetic that fans of the 90s series will appreciate. Despite its fast-paced storytelling, “X-Men ‘97” manages to balance action-packed sequences with emotional depth, offering a blend of nostalgia and modern storytelling for both longtime fans and new audiences.
Overall, “X-Men ‘97” successfully bridges past and present by honoring the legacy of its predecessor while carving out a unique narrative path for the X-Men universe. With engaging plotlines, familiar voices, and thematic richness, the animated series promises an exciting continuation of the mutant saga for viewers old and new.
Cast: The series features a mix of returning voice actors from the original series and new additions:
- Ray Chase voices Scott Summers / Cyclops
- Jennifer Hale voices Jean Grey and Madelyne Pryor / Goblin Queen
- Alison Sealy-Smith voices Ororo Munroe / Storm and Adversary
- Cal Dodd voices James “Logan” Howlett / Wolverine
- J. P. Karliak voices Morph
Producers: “X-Men ‘97” is created by Beau DeMayo for Disney+ and produced by Marvel Studios Animation. Jake Castorena serves as the supervising director for the series. The animation is provided by Studio Mir in a modernized version of the original series’ style.